Embark on Your Next Level of Ascension

Discover new healing modalities to help you in your Healing journey, Transformation, and soul Evolution

"My beautiful angel, imagine that you are about to enter a healing center where you will receive the love and care of 12 pairs of healing hands ready to ease your woes, soothe your pain, recharge your energy, and uplift your heart, and soul."

During the Soul Healing Summit you have the opportunity to

experience 12 powerful Soul Healing methods

that have transformed millions of lives.

You will also:

* Save time by learning the secret methods every speaker has used to improve their lives at quantum speeds.

* Experience a diverse lineup of ancient and modern healing practices.

* Learn practical skills from 12 of the Best Practitioners in their field.

* Overcome mental, emotional, and physical blocks.

* Enjoy spiritual growth and activation of new gifts.

* Unlock the best quantum hacks for your Superhuman Self.

* Find the healing modality that best resonates with you.

* Meet and connect with your soulfamily.

* And more...

Initiate Your Ascension!

Register for the Soul Healing Summit Season III

Healing can be fun and you have everything to gain.

Enter your email to save your spot!

Expand Your Summit Experience

Claim unlimited Access to 12 Exclusive Activations from our speakers.

Now is your time to find the missing piece that will bring you a step closer to your Nirvana, to activate the powerful, loving, and instant creator of your best life ever.

Consider these questions:

  • How much longer are you going to allow the outside world limit, constrain, and suppress your authenticity?

  • How much longer are you going to allow pain, hurt, suffering to hold you captive and in the dark?

  • How much longer will you endure living the same patterns over and over?

  • Isn't it better for you to feel empowered and confident of embodying and shining your true light?

Join the Soul Movement

Get clear answers to your questions.

Uncover unseen or unthought solutions!

Meet the community of friends who understand you.

Realize new opportunities and perspectives to help you heal.

Imagine waking up every morning to a new helpful surprise in your email inbox. The healing modality that you've been searching for for years and an opportunity to dive deeper and experience the healing modality's meditation from our speakers (consider the benefits of acquiring a VIP ticket).


Because it's your time to heal, shift, transform, become unstoppable, and prevail, no matter what life throws at you.

Make 2023 The Best Year of your life!

~ Meet Your Speakers ~


Art Giser

Art Giser is the creator of Energetic NLP, unifying Neuro-Linguistic Programming, spiritual principles, and transformative energy work. He is an internationally renowned NLP trainer, executive coach, intuitive, and master healer. Known for his humor, caring, and miraculous remote energy work; Art’s superpower is releasing people’s spiritual and unconscious blocks and opening up their miraculous abilities. His unique background includes managing a medical research lab and working with Fortune 50 companies to create extraordinary leaders and teams.


Rachel Thompson

Rachael Thompson, Owner of Reiki with Rachael, Intuitive Energy Healer, Reiki Master. Rachael is the owner of the international healing company, Reiki with Rachael. She has worked with thousands of people, helping them discover their infinite power to heal, create, and live their ideal lives.


Jamie Wozny

Wanna fully bloom into you divine wild, creative, holy expression? Jamie aka: Modern Day Seer and Priestess of the Divine, Bringer of Light is your new BFF. As a playful Guide of Authentic Truth, Jamie helps other magical beings of light who are ready to stand fully and proudly in their own unique, embodied expression of your soul’s divine high frequency… …and serves you to live as a divine channel, in true freedom, abundance, joy, and love…like whoa. FUN FACTS Jamie has gone from writing reviews for mouth guards on Amazon for money, lost and confused about her purpose in life and terrified to be herself to making 6 figures through joy and flow, unapologetically doing the soul aligned work she loves and shining brightly, cussing up a storm while teaching spiritual principles, being who she came here to be, making massive impact, received and thanked daily for her life changing impact, just by being herself. She loves Ojai, Ca., peonies, Voyage Etc Cie Santal clean perfume and thinks Melissa McCarthy is everything. Jamie believes the world would be a much better place if all magical beings of light who are ready to stand fully and proudly in their own unique, embodied expression of your soul’s divine high frequency, could be in divine integrity with your most authentic, sacred, creative, wild, holy expression of your soul. Before you proceed to follow her and like all of her posts :BE WARNED!!! Jamie’s Creative, Wild, Holy Divine Expression Codes are highly contagious. There is 1111% chance if you follow her on Instagram, you’ll fully blossom into your divine fullness, live your magnificent truth and live a life in total freedom, fully expressed as the divine gift you came here to be.


Alena Chapman

Two-time international bestselling author, speaker and Spiritual Mentor and host of podcast/fm/am Magical Moments, Alena Chapman is all about Soul Wisdom and growth. Known for her joyful nature and vivacious personality, Alena works her “magic” by meaningfully integrating the wisdom of age old mystical spiritual modalities with scientific research to bring clarity, ease, flow and positive lasting growth to those seeking to better understand their place in a world that often seems out of touch and overwhelming.



Ashana is one of the premiere healing music artists and New Age vocalists of our time, weaving together soaring, angelic vocals and the celestial sound of alchemy crystal singing bowls. This exquisitely crafted sonic tapestry has been hailed by listeners all over the world as “breathtaking” and “a gift from heaven.” Ashana's best selling music from “All Is Forgiven”, “Jewels of Silence”, “Beloved”, “The Infinite Heart”, “River of Light”, “Celestial Sleep”, and “The Illuminated Path”, have been downloaded and streamed by millions of fans around the world. A life-long student of yoga and mantra from many of the world’s spiritual traditions, Ashana has led two online group meditations touching the lives of more than 20,000 people in 50 countries. As a renowned master crystal bowl artist, teacher, and sound healer, Ashana is an expert in the field of sound healing with crystal bowls, training students from all over the world in the art of applying crystalline sound to therapeutic and artistic healing modalities in her Crystal Bowl Mastery program. Ashana lives near Sedona, Arizona with her husband, Native Hawaiian Healer, James Kawainui.


Sonia Barrett

Sonia Barrett, is the executive producer of the award-winning documentary The Business of Disease. She is the author of The Holographic Canvas and several other books. Sonia is also the host and producer of the radio show The Expansion Zone with Sonia Barrett on KPFK 90.7 FM in Los Angeles. Sonia Barrett is known for her cutting-edge insights as her work bridges the gap between science and spirituality in a simplified format. She addresses the programming, beliefs and concepts by which we have lived our lives both individually and collectively. She has been a popular guest on Gaia TV. Sonia Barrett is also a Personal Transformation Coach and produces a series of Personal Transformational content, workshops and celebrates more than 10 years of yearly retreats.


Fallon Jordan

Fallon Jordan is a transformation coach, healer, and guide who is known as The Home Alchemist. She believes that our homes and relationships must reflect our soul's essence in order to live authentically and happily. As the CEO and Founder of Decluttered Mind and Home, Fallon is dedicated to helping individuals and families co-create intimate, meaningful relationships and beautiful, harmonious living spaces through holistic strategies. She is also passionate about helping soul-aligned creatives birth their dream business through her consulting services including marketing initiatives. Fallon is a certified Usui Holy Fire Reiki Level 2 practitioner, Irlen Syndrome screener, ADHD and dyslexia specialist, Brain Health Coach and Corporate Trainer, and Functional Medicine Coach. Prior to building her company, she was the lead facilitator for clients and professionals through the Amen Clinics network, the leading mental health company in the world famous for their brain imaging work. With her neuroscience-backed decluttering and intimacy coaching, Fallon co-creates new systems for effective organization, communication, and connection while working with couples and families.


Phillip Mountrose

Pioneers and innovators in the realms of spiritual growth and healing, Phillip Mountrose and his wife Jane Mountrose are holistic coaches, energy healers, energy-healing pioneers and authors of numerous books including their new book: The Loving Power of Your Soul: A Guidebook for Realizing Your True Potential. The mission of Awakenings Institute, their non-profit organization, is to facilitate “the unique gifts that each individual brings receive, honor and respect, where all are nurtured in allowing their gifts to blossom.” Their extensive website is gettingthru.org


YAEL Emily Sharbani

AWAKENING COACH - Law of Attraction, Meditation, Light Body, Cacao Practitioner & EFT Therapy/Coaching, Reiki Master Teacher, Pre & Post Psychedelic Integration Therapy, Shamanic Healing and so much more! INTENTION: The purpose and intent behind everything I do is to help you remember who you are as Pure Energy and Light and connect with your True Self. It is from this place that you are able to heal and create the life of your dreams. It is from this place that you joyously move forward! I incorporate the many modalities, in which I've been trained, in addition to bringing in other energy workers, to offer you the most complete heart/mind/body/spirit experience possible!


Carley Corrado

Dr. Carley Corrado, Founder of Enliven Leadership, helps purpose-driven leaders shift from stress into inspiration and build cohesive teams to unleash their brilliance toward creating solutions for our world. Carley is passionate about connecting leaders to their aliveness and inner wisdom where they may access authentic confidence and optimism. Her signature practice, Shakti Breathwork, is a potent transformative technique well-described as where tantra meets leadership. This embodied practice powerfully clears blocks and trauma while leading to ectatic states of connection in which insight and clarity emerges. Her background is that of a world-bridger, including a renewable energy focused PhD in Chemistry and Postdoc in Physics, a Certification as a Transformational Facilitator from Evolving Wisdom, and being an Authorized Partner of Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team and Everything DiSC. She’s studied many years in Qi Kung, Reiki, Coherence Healing and other modalities. Her approach distinguishes her from typical trainers with her playful methodology that engages participants’ hearts and minds and unifies leaders within themselves and their teams to row together toward a vision of what’s possible.


Nan Akasha

Nan Akasha is a “heart chakra with legs”. A spiritual teacher, Master LightBody and shamanic healer, animal and dolphin communicator and seer. Author of 7 books and hundreds of online programs, Akasha has the "uncanny ability to see right to the core of your challenge". Called a "Fairy Godmother" by her students, Intuitive Awakener Akasha is “like Abraham Hicks on steroids”.


Natalie Woodman

Natalie Woodman, is sought after Psychic Embodiment and Business Mentor. She is a Medical Intuitive, Trauma Aware Master Akashic Consultant and Advanced Pranic Healing Specialist and 2 x international best-selling author. In her former life, as a physiotherapist she ran her thriving 7-figure business for 16 years expanding from 5-figure months to 5-figure days with ease. She now helps CEO’s embody their unique brilliance in body and business and their next level of wealth. Through channelled sessions and her mastery of the body and the nervous system over 27 years as a Physiotherapist, she quickly helps conscious fempreneurs release their self-sabotaging patterns and shift to receive more wealth in all areas of their life with more ease as they align to their highest timeline so that they can experience true abundance on all levels. She helps transform the lives of highly successful fempreneurs who are tired of working against their bodies through illness and Burnout by embracing the path of ease and aligning them with their Soul Aligned Purpose by alchemizing trauma held in the body and calibrating the nervous system and body to their new set point. When Natalie is not helping her clients alchemize their trauma that prevents them from fully receiving wealth in all aspects of their lives, they desire to live including more money and more clients with ease, you can find her in nature, paddleboarding, dancing, meditating, enjoying self-care, connecting with friends and running her digital nomadic whilst travelling! Find out more about Natalie and how she can help you quantum leap into your next level of expansion in your life and business at www.bynataliewoodman.com

~Meet Your Host~


Veronica Parks

Master Soul Healer and spiritual teacher

She is the founder of the Angels Gate Academy, a spiritual road to Self-Mastery.

Using the Soul Healing System method, Veronica Is able to help people clear past trauma and karma and activate their light. Veronica guides group spiritual and emotional journeys through time and other dimensions to reprogram people’s minds and bodies. Using an intuitive approach to energy healing, holistic nutrition, timeline therapy, hypnosis, NLP and channeled messages, Veronica's methods clear the hurt holding people back from experiencing true love, acceptance, and appreciation.

Register Now, Save Your Seat!

Get your Soul Healing Summit season 3 pass and let's co-create a ripple effect of quantum healing, Presence, and love intentions all around the world and beyond!

Your Call

Now is the time to gather in community

and activate the dormant power within.

Now is the time to reclaim our energy and shift through the changes with ease and grace.


Come Together in a gathering of like minded people that share a unified passion to heal our world.

Collectively, we will answer the universal call and Unite our intentions to create a more peaceful, Happier and healthier world we can Thrive in!


Align yourself with world-renowned integrative practitioners to remember and activate the collective consciousness. You will walk away from this experience feeling empowered to share your light with the world and equipped with new tools to build your dream life!

Registration is Now open

Join the Movement

to create a ripple effect

of healing, presence,

and intention worldwide

~ Kind Praises ~


Dave Vanhoose

- Motivational Speaker

I've been struggling with my energy level and my health. Veronica Parks system has changed my life! What it did for me, it was easy and simple.

Today I'm noticing that some of my bad habits have just gone completely away, I have more energy, I'm looking younger, feeling better and more importantly is that all areas of life have been improving.


Allen Kares

- Founder of Project Imagine

Attending the Soul Retreats gives me the opportunity to learn about the wide variety of healers and their wisdom which is shared with a common purpose of furthering my soul’s healing and ascension. What a treat of loving energies! Veronica, thank you for bringing together these masters of healing and all the Angels. I’m delighted to be a part of this beautiful SoulKin community


Jose Elizondo

- Founder of Fastlane Marketing

Veronica works on your subconscious in the way that after you’re done, everything seems in the state of flow, success results insist on happening, and everything just seems to line up!

After working with Veronica I found a lot of clarity. I didn’t realize that I had things holding me back from a life of abundance and success. What I really liked about working with Veronica is that she made it seem like an effortless meditation.

A SOULoving Welcome my Angel

to Our Soul Healing Summit Season III

Veronica Parks

Soul Healer & Spiritual Teacher

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