Embark on Your Next Level of Ascension

Discover new healing modalities to help you in your Healing journey, Transformation, and soul Evolution

"My beautiful angel, imagine that you are about to enter a healing center where you will receive the love and care of 12 pairs of healing hands ready to ease your woes, soothe your pain, recharge your energy, and uplift your heart, and soul."

During the Soul Healing Summit you have the opportunity to

experience 12 powerful Soul Healing methods

that have transformed millions of lives.

And even better, you will:

* Save time by learning the secret methods every speaker has used to improve their lives.

* Experience a diverse lineup of ancient and modern healing practices.

* Learn practical skills from 12 of the Best Practitioners in their field.

* Overcome mental, emotional, and physical blocks.

* Enjoy spiritual growth and activation of new gifts.

* Unlock the best quantum hacks for your Superhuman Self.

* Find the healing modality that best resonates with you

* And more...

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Soul Healing Summit Season II

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This is your time to find the next missing peace that will bring you a step closer to your Nirvana, to the powerful, loving, and instant creator of your dream life - that is my intention for you.

Join the Soul Movement

Imagine waking up every morning to a new surprise in your email inbox. The next healing modality that you've been searching for and the opportunity to experience hands on the Magic Activation shared by our speakers with your VIP ticket


Because it's your time to be unstoppable

and make 2023 The Best Year of your life!

~Your Speakers~


Helena Reilly, M.A.

Renowned Quantum-Scalar-Sound Therapist, Helena is the co-founder of www.quantumsoundtherapy.com. She is a pioneer in the use of sound frequencies and immersive quantum scalar energy vortex technology to effect lasting transformation and decrease the impact of stress and burnout. Her mission and vision is to harmonize humanity by introducing tools and technologies to raise the frequency and clear the destructive karmic patterns on Earth. The Voice Code Software that she developed with her partner Robert Lloy automatically depicts the nuances of the subconscious and delivers a harmonizing soundtrack that releases the hidden stress that sabotages well-being and human potential. The Quantum Miracle iQube synergistically combines the science of scalar energy with sound therapy to effect permanent subconscious transformation. Helena is an expert in applying Voice Code Sound Therapy and Quantum Technology as cutting-edge methods for Stress Management and Anti-Aging of the Burned Out Professional.


Gene Ang, Ph.D.

Gene has a healing practice based in Southern California and sees clients for energy based healing therapies focusing primarily on the Arcturian Healing Method. He has been trained in a number of healing modalities including Pranic Healing, Reconnective Healing, the Reconnection, Shamanic Healing, and Vortex Healing. In addition, he teaches a number of seminars that focus on the integration of science, spirituality, and healing. He was formally trained as a Neurobiologist at Yale University where he earned his doctorate in basic mechanisms of how the brain develops followed by a post-doctoral fellowship on how ultrasound can affect the developing cerebral cortex. After his post-doctoral fellowship, Gene decided to step into the role of a facilitator of healing in order to directly interact with helping people. Most of his work centers around the use of subtle energy to help align the subtle energy body, its channels, meridians, and energy centers to help restore balance and harmony so that healing can occur whether it be physical, emotional, mental, and/or spiritual.


Katrina Armstrong

Katrina is where soul wisdom meets the cosmic waves of transformation. She is an Activator of Divine Potential, Conduit for Pure Creation, and an Architect for the Living Light of the Soul. Katrina operates as a pure frequency of embodied love that activates through movement, words, tones, light language, and high vibrational energy transmissions. She is the visionary leader of Divine Bridge for Humanity, Divinity in Action and the creator of the Soul Bridging Technology and Modality. As an activator of divine truth and limitless possibilities, she also assists you with finding the magic in ‘everyday’ life. Through a heart of deep compassion she provides an accepting, nurturing space with unparalleled access to the higher realms. Her passion is to teach and activate the visionaries, intuitives, healers, and/or conscious entrepreneurs that are committed to their soul’s truth and ready to show up in a powerful way.


Kimberly Sherry

Kimberly Sherry ~ Int’l Frequency Alchemist, Energy Expert, #1 Best Selling Author, Inspirational Speaker, and Healing Mentor Kimberly created her spiritual awakening through 12 years of weekly training at a psychic institute in California and extensive use of plant medicine with shamans in Peru. After 25 ayahuasca journeys, she broke through the Hawkins Scale of human consciousness in 2012 and created the new Infinity Scale. How to use this scale to access infinite possibilities is outlined in her book: Access YOUR Ultimate Power: The Blueprint to Infinite Intelligence. This system is ever expanding and evolving. Today, Kimberly helps clients remotely step into their ultimate power in all aspects of their lives, whether financially, in relationships, or health as she travels the world living her dream.


Chris Shelton

Dedicated to improving the consciousness of ALL people, Chris Shelton’s motto is, “If I can do it, YOU can too!” Chris has dedicated his life to helping people reduce stress and relieve pain. Over 30 years ago, Qigong, an ancient holistic health modality that combines traditional Chinese medicine with movement, breath and visualization, saved his life. As a teenager he suffered from a devastating back injury that left him in constant pain and barely able to walk. In a 10 year period, he went from major suffering to a martial-arts champion to a renowned healer and successful business owner. Chris attributes his full recovery to Qigong, a holistic approach perfect for people who want non-invasive, affordable and empowering healthcare. He is the founder of Morning Crane Healing Arts Center in San Jose and Los Angeles, California, the author of Qigong for Self-Refinement, the co-creator of The Qi Club and Qigong Teacher Training.


Shirley Lohmaier

Shirley is a Soul Healer and Elevated Consciousness Mentor who supports successful heart centred, conscious Leaders to heal their Soul, activate their Soul Mission and launch their Soul-led conscious business. Shirley helps her clients remember who they really are by breaking down their mental and energetic constructs, illusions, and programs and activating their divine blueprint, vision, and purpose – helping them find their path to true freedom, joy, and Soul abundance! Her guiding vision is a world of Soul Aligned, heart-led leaders, holding key roles across all spheres of influence, supporting the New Earth for generations to come. Title: Soul Business Alchemist & Success Coach


LiSara [pronounced Lee-SAH-Rah]

LiSára is a Forbes - featured founder, musical artist, energy healer, and host of the What is Sexy? podcast. She’s brought multilingual performances to live audiences as large as 15,000, and her rich ancestry includes indigenous medicine women and Civil Rights educators who worked with Martin Luther King Jr. LiSára founded Sexy Sound Healing: an audio streaming service revolutionizing the healing experience with multi-genre music, scientifically proven sound frequencies, and transformational immersion journeys. In her Sexy Self Actualized platform, mentees receive training and personalized intuitive guidance to discover their Sexy Self and embody their unique nature so that they experience the aliveness of living their full self-actualized potential. LiSára believes life is a prayer and a party!🥳 She infuses work & life with dancing, songwriting, vocal channeling, plotting new adventures in her various languages, meditating, and loving Californian coastal living with her partner.


Natalia Price

Natalia Price is a women's spiritual embodiment coach, ordained priestess and facilitator of the 13 Moon Mystery School. She facilitates transformation through 1:1 mentorship, the year-long Priestess Initiate circles, Embodied ritual leadership program, and community Moon circles. Working with archetypes to empower and inspire women in re-aligning with their feminine power, embodying their intuitive wisdom and offering their gifts in the world with clarity and confidence. She is passionate about the feminine rising movement being a force for rebalancing our planet and creating change from the inside out while clearing the blocks that hold us back from fully living our truth with purpose and power.


Rodney Allgood

Rodney Allgood is the creator of mindSHIFT360, a high-impact program helping high-achieving entrepreneurs break through ceilings, limiting beliefs, and comfort zones so that they can soar to greater heights. Expanding their focus in business from just the bottom line to leaving a lasting legacy. With 3 decades of personal experience as an entrepreneur and industry leader, Rodney has learned that is it not enough to amass money, it is critical to align your business with your passion and your purpose. Also as former host of iHeart Radio’s show “It’s All Good,” Rodney has empowered people with the message that we are truly the screen writers of our own lives. Whether he is speaking at a high school, university or Fortune500 company, Rodney is able to inspire rising stars as well as re- inspire those who may find themselves adrift in life or in business to align their self belief with their level of potential.


Wendy Elwell

Communications Consultant. for decades, Wendy has been helping individuals, families, groups, corporations live and create their best lives and making love matter. As a certified kundalini yoga teacher and I am yoga Nidra practitioner, certified raw food chef, Reiki master, certified trauma therapist, Wendy uses the truth of vibrational energy to create deep well being.


Tamara Larisa Tyrbouslu

Soul Alignment (living and playing i.e. “working” in alignment with our souls) and I use multiple modalities to do this, activating the quantum field with guided meditation, hypnosis, NLP, Timeline Therapy, Feng Shui, etc., all to shift energy.


Sue Dumais

Sue Dumais is a Evolutionary Leader and Spiritual Mentor for healers, empaths and highly sensitive people. She is a best-selling author, ordained minister, and a global voice of HOPE and inspiration for Heart Led Living. Sue’s gift as a medium and healer is multi-layered and multi-dimensional as she effortlessly creates a bridge between the physical and the non-physical. Sue is a crystal-clear channel for healing energy, Divine messages and downloads. She is a highly sensitive gifted Seer who receives premonitions and visions to support the evolution of humanity as we heal all our blocks to love and remember our Oneness.

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Join the Soul Movement

to create a ripple effect of healing, Presence, and intention worldwide

Your Call

Now is the time to gather in community

and activate the dormant power within.

Now is the time to reclaim our energy and shift through the changes with ease and grace.


Come Together in a gathering of like minded people that share a unified passion to heal our world.

Collectively, we will answer the universal call and Unite our intentions to create a more peaceful, Happier and healthier world we can Thrive in!


Align yourself with world-renowned integrative practitioners to remember and activate the collective consciousness. You will walk away from this experience feeling empowered to share your light with the world and equipped with new tools to build your dream life!

Registration is Now open

Join the Movement

to create a ripple effect

of healing, presence,

and intention worldwide

~Hear it from others~

Dave Vanhoose- Motivational Speaker

I've been struggling with my energy level and my health. Veronica Parks system has changed my life! What it did for me, it was easy and simple.

Today I'm noticing that some of my bad habits have just gone completely away, I have more energy, I'm looking younger, feeling better and more importantly is that all areas of life have been improving.

Jose Elizondo- Founder of Fastlane Marketing

Veronica works on your subconscious in the way that after you’re done, everything seems in the state of flow, success results insist on happening, and everything just seems to line up!

After working with Veronica I found a lot of clarity. I didn’t realize that I had things holding me back from a life of abundance and success. What I really liked about working with Veronica is that she made it seem like an effortless meditation.

Allen Kares- Founder of Project Immagine

Attending the SoulBath Retreats gives me the opportunity to learn about the wide variety of healers and their wisdom which is shared with a common purpose of furthering my soul’s healing and ascension. What a treat of loving energies! Veronica, thank you for bringing together these masters of healing and all the Angels. I’m delighted to be a part of this beautiful SoulKin community

~Meet Your Host~

Veronica Parks

Soul Healer & Spiritual Teacher

Veronica is a Master Soul Healer and spiritual teacher. She is the founder of the Angels Gate Academy, a spiritual road to Self-Mastery. Using the Soul Healing System method, Veronica Is able to help people clear past trauma and karma and activate their light. Veronica guides group spiritual and emotional journeys through time and other dimensions to reprogram people’s minds and bodies. Using an intuitive approach to energy healing, holistic nutrition, timeline therapy, hypnosis, NLP and channeled messages, Veronica's methods clear the hurt holding people back from experiencing true love, acceptance, and appreciation.

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